mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014


I'm no stranger to enjoying the pleasures of solitude...especially when having company means one has to deal with uncanny personal habits, unnecessary dialogues or annoying behaviours...and then some, call me a weirdo but I never really understood why there are so many humans on earth. To be honest, I don't completely realize the arrival of mankind on this planet on first place. Why so many? Why gathered together in one place only? Why no one is ever given the freedom of chosing if to become alive or not? Me? If I could start it over I'd rather be unborn. Or maybe become alive as a bird, or a plant, or a river, or even a supernova, anything but human. It is one of those decisions that undoubtingly require quite some pondering. The kind of decision that can save oneself lots of troubles if chosen wisely and at the right time. Oh well...Shoulda woulda coulda. This topic brings up countless interesting and potentially neverending questions, each one of which has no meaning in the end. So what's the point of everything? Think about it. What would have become of us all if we've been allowed to pick a different path? Why limiting our concience to just one dimension? Being stuck in a bodily form can be such a conviction, and a tough one too considered there's only one unescapable wayout. Sure thing is we'll never know. That's why I guess most people turn to a deity and concentrates part of their efforts into blind faith. You see, a God is much greater and more powerful than you'll ever be. It most assuredly impersonates perfection. Nuts to that!
And on the seventh day the Lord created...well, what it turned out to be the biggest mistake of all times and the greatest bust in, litterally, the whole history: the mankind! Taking a break must have seemed a bad idea at the time. We could consider that fatal moment the very beginning of the "how to ruin everything" lesson (a lesson which, by the way, is still on).
I can assume it's no easy task to create..well..every thing but, man if you could have put a little more heart in it!
I mean, seriously, take a look around, past or present, a lot of stuff really don't make sense to me.
If this so called God, or Goddess, we don't know the gender so far, is supposed to be perfect, why on earth did he or she managed to create living things so faulty like us human beings? To prove himself one can be wrong? Or as a reminder of what not to do if one want to make something right? Perhaps to clarify once and for all that absolutely nothing's flawless? Wonder what this imaginary superior Maker was thinking about, assuming he was thinking at all. Was he looking for a hobby? You know what? That's exactly how I feel like at times, a momentary hobby of an insane creator...don't you?
Aww..If only God stopped for a minute to scratch his ass and focused on a different thought that ominous day!
Long story short, I'm pissed off out of my way because now that I'm alive it means that, sooner or later, I'll have to die.
This is indeed the real meaning of existence...the end.


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